Maintaining Your Modeling Portfolio

A modeling portfolio is a must-have for anyone interested in becoming a model. Directors and casting agents will rely on this book to determine if you are the right choice for a job. Working with a headshot photographer in New York City is the first step you can take to maintain a great modeling portfolio . Keep reading for more advice: modeling - headshot

Find the right professional headshot photographer.

Professional pictures are essential if you want to impress casting agents with your portfolio. That is why it is important to find a professional headshot photographer that will be able to produce fabulous pictures for you. These professionals have the tools and expertise to help you get the pictures you need to create and maintain an impressive modeling portfolio.

Make sure your portfolio has a good variety of shots.

No matter what type of modeling you want to do, it is always a good idea to show casting agents versatility. Adding a variety of shots to your portfolio will show that you can model for many different types of jobs. Start with beauty shots taken by a headshot photographer, then move on to full-body shots and location shots.

Add new pictures when possible.

Your modeling portfolio should show your versatility, but it should also offer casting agents a good representation of what you look like naturally. Adding new pictures can help you expand your portfolio while also keeping a more recent representation of your current appearance. Any time you work with a headshot photographer during your free time or for a job, think about whether you should add any of these new pictures to your portfolio.

Always choose the best shots.

You should never add pictures to your portfolio just for the sake of adding them; you should only add shots that will impress directors and casting agents. Every picture in your modeling portfolio should be the best picture from that photo shoot. Before adding a new picture to your portfolio, ask yourself if you would be happy with that picture if it were the only one a casting agent would see. If not, consider leaving it out of your portfolio.